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Dr Jim Basilakis



Jim Basilakis is currently Senior Lecturer in Digital Health at the School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences at Western Sydney University and has a clinical and technical researcher role at the Ingham Institute. He has postgraduate qualifications in Internal Medicine, Biomedical Engineering and has a PhD in Computing. In previous roles as a practicing medical doctor, he has developed an intimate knowledge of the tertiary healthcare industry and its work practices in most clinical areas through accredited training positions in internal and emergency medicine for over 15 years. In industry, he is currently CTO of Resuscitation Systems, a company developing critical and emergency resuscitation digital training solutions. Previously he was Medical Director for a telehealth company whose solutions encompassed the home and residential healthcare sectors. His interests include Digital Health, Clinical AI/Decision Support/Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Telehealth, Cybersecurity and Applied Cryptography.

Research Areas


